• mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.commgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com
  • 440 899 2242(440) 899-2242

2022 HR Cruise /Conference Speakers

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

Our Conference Schedule - Look at this line up of speakers!

Our schedule is complete and we plan on submitting for 14.00 SHRM Professional Development (PDCs) and 12.75 recertification credits from the HR Certification Institutes.

Confirmed speakers are listed below in alphabetical order by last name.

Click on the session title for more information!


LaFern Batie 

Jonathan Bowman


Tom Darrow


Julie Doyle

Jill Kopanis


Navigating Complex and Uncertain Workplaces Using 3D Thinking (Webinar)


Down to Business: Soft Skills are the New Hard Skills (ON Board)

Matt Kutz

Michael Levin


Hot topics in Employment Law 2023 - Applying Legal
Sunscreen to prevent HR Pros from Getting Burned.

Michael Sciotti