• mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.commgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com
  • 440 899 2242(440) 899-2242

HR Conference Cruise

The Only Human Resource Conference Cruise


Join us for our next HR Conference Cruises! TWO scheduled for 2026! Click on the image for more information and to register.

Conference registration price is just $699 until 5/31/2026!

We plan on submitting for 15.0 recertification credits (each sailing!) from both SHRM and HRCI.









Bring your crew of 3 or more and save!

Consider bringing your team to the conference! We're offering discounts on the conference registration for 3 or more registrations from the same organization. Contact Mike Medoro at 440.899.2242 or mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com for more info.

"The HR Cruise was the epitome of work/life balance! An excellent group of speakers covering a wide variety of topics. The entire cost was less than the last land-based conference I attended. The conference was well organized, well run and just the right size to foster some meaningful attendee interactions. My wife and I have already marked our calendars for next year's HR Cruise!