• mgmedoro@aspect-marketing.commgmedoro@aspect-marketing.com
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Get Your Boss On Board

Giving you support to convince your boss!



“A cruise conference will cost more than a land conference” 




The Cruise Conference registration is very competitive with other conferences and your statroom price is all-inclusive including all meals, taxes, pre-paid gratuities, and of course - lodging. This cruise conference is ½ the price of the average land conference and as you can see below, you can actually cover the cost of 2 people attending for less than 2 people attending the average land conference!


  HR Conference Cruise ** Land Based Conference
Conference Registration $699 (Final Registration Price) $900 (average pricing)
Hotel Costs

$559 (per person/Interior cabin/Final Cost)

$1200 ($240 night @ 5 nights)
Meal Costs $ 0 (all meals included) $ 250 ($50 day brfast/dinner)
TOTAL $ 1,258.00 $2,350.00

**Note: The prices used for both the conference registration and for the stateroom are at the final rate (highest) for the HR Conference Cruise. Additional savings are obtained by registering early.


  • This cruise conference is significantly lower than the cost of a land base conference (savings of $1092.00)

  • Two people attending cruise conference (sharing cabin) total = $2,516.00

  • Two people attending the land based conference (sharing hotel room) total = $4,700.00

  • Two people attending cruise conference over a land base conference; savings of $2,184.00


The truth is, this cruise conference - whether one or two people are attending from your company - will cost less and save you money on your training budget!



“My boss would never approve me going to a conference on a cruise ship”



NO DIFFERENT THAN A LAND BASED CONFERENCE - A cruise conference is no different than a land-based conference in Las Vegas, Orlando, Washington DC or San Diego. All these locations, as well as a cruise, provide opportunities to explore after the conference sessions. Simply put, you are going to a conference based out of a port and your hotel (ship) just happens to be moving!


LESS DISTRACTIONS ON A CRUISE CONFERENCE THAN A LANDBASED CONFERENCE  -  Unlike a land-based conference where you can skip anytime, walk out of the conference hotel and go explore, on a cruise conference all sessions are held while at sea.  You aren’t going to just walk off the ship to explore.  You will have fewer distractions during a cruise conference.


STRATEGIC SESSIONS WITH RECERTIFICATION CREDITS – Cruise conference provides for recertification credits including HR focused sessions and business credits.


DEDICATED CONFERENCE AREA – just like a land-based conference, there are dedicated conference rooms and spaces segmented off to ensure a focused learning environment.


CERTIFIED TRAINING AT LESS COST – everything that you would receive on a land-based conference is provided to you on a cruise conference at less cost.



What a Cruise Conference offers that a Land Based Conference cannot offer:



Group interaction and a Focus on Learning before, during and after our learning sessions to create a strong network base.  Unlike a land-based conference where everyone scatters after sessions are over each day, with a cruise based conference there will be opportunities for ongoing interactions.


One-on-one networking and collaborative opportunities.  While land based conferences host anywhere from 800 to 1,500 attendees, the cruise conference is intentionally smaller and more individualized, providing the attendee with increased opportunity to ask questions during sessions along with building stronger network relationships that can continue beyond the cruise conference.