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HR Cruises

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

Dorice Horenstein
"Magnify the Power of Your T.E.A.M, Retrain Your Brain and Impact Your ROI (Workshop / On Board)


Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand behaviors that support and sabotage our performance using Positive Intelligence Lens.
    2. Learn to eliminate self-defeating behaviors and tools to replace them.
    3. Gain self-awareness of what we bring to our team and use4 actionable steps to move toward desired behavior.


Session Description:

T.E.A.M. Together Everyone’s Attributes are Magnified. This session will demonstrate the ways to convert our emotions from present pain to future benefit, thus achieving healthy collaboration and positive relationships. We will understand the ways we sabotage ourselves, and the methods to transform to better communicate and thus achieve success. Positive Intelligence tools will be used to transform any team so you get your return on investment!

Speaker Bio:

After serving as an officer in the Israeli army and a fulfilling career as a leader in education, Dorice transitioned to make the world her platform. Dorice is an Oy to Joy speaker, the Author of best-selling Moments of the heart; Four Relationships Everyone Should Have to Live Wholeheartedly, and an ICF & Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness coach. She inspires and motivates individuals to navigate challenges (anxiety, stress, relationships, productivity, well-being), shift their mindset, and discover growth opportunities, thus finding the champion within