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HR Cruises

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

Michael Butler
"Managing the Complexity of Global HR" (On Board)


Learning Objectives:

    1. After participating in this session, participants will be able to describe recent changes in global business, list reasons for international expansion and the criteria for deciding ‘where to go first.’
    2. Participants will be aware of HR’s responsibilities and role in choosing company entity structures in overseas locations and how HR can avoid unwittingly creating an overseas Corporate Tax nexus for the US Parent.
    3. Participants will be able to list the components of international HR budgets by appreciating mandatory and customary benefits, termination risks and costs, and ongoing / indirect costs.


Session Description:

In Real Estate the mantra is Location, Location, Location. When it comes to managing globally the mantra is Different, Different, Different; as in everything is different based on the countries in which you are operating. Let’s embrace these differences together. That way you will avoid stealing the dream of your overseas employees.

Mike Butler will share some indicators that the time is right to expand overseas as well as detailed information that will help you anticipate and prepare for the complexities of global HR.

Although some of these topics seem unrelated to HR, they will allow HR to lead the organization in overseas expansion. Learn from Mike’s own battlescars of operating internationally and find out the relevance of the famous quote ‘Follow the Money’ to global HR. Oh and by the way ‘Don’t assume you have a talent pool on your doorstep when you head overseas.

Speaker Bio:

Mike Butler has more than 20 years’ experience living in the UK, US & France as a HR executive working with such companies as Disneyland Paris, United Airlines and Jones Lang Lasalle. Mike remembers thinking how glamourous his first international job seemed at the time but a few months later he wished he had read the small print. If you enjoy learning from other’s battlescars, you’re in the right place as Mike is qualified to enter the debate and offer an interesting perspective. Combine that with his British sense of humor and it makes for a fun session even if you don’t understand all his jokes. Hopefully at least you will understand his accent but either way if you work globally; there are lots of accents to understand so it will be good practice.

Mike now runs Cross-Border HR, advising UK/US companies on all aspects of international expansion. He has both UK & US HR certifications as well an MBA. He has previously sat on the SHRM’s Global Expertise panel and has written exam questions for Global HR certifications.