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HR Cruises

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

André Young
"A Leader’s Choice; The 3 BIG Choices to Professional & Personal Positivity!" (Webinar)


Learning Objectives:

    1. Enhance effective Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, and Work/Life Harmony Skills for Leaders, Employees, Teams, and Organizations overall!
    2. Develop strategies to implement across the organization to understand the roles leaders and employees play and how to make a bigger impact!\
    3. Utilize a process for leaders to have immediate impacts on their teams that will help drive organizational performance!


Session Description:

Enhance not only your Leadership & Work/Life Harmony… but also that of those you’re leading with Andre Young’s Leader’s Choice! This high-energy and interactive session is packed with professional and personal life-altering tips, questions, and engagement that will evolve you, your leaders, employees, teams, and organization overall!!!

Attendees will learn:

1. The 5 Points of Your Day! - How to Live the Life of Your Dreams Professionally & Personally!

2. Construction Talk! - Success & Leadership are a Language! Learn how to Gossip, Vent, and Share Like a Leader!

3. A Leader's 1-on-1 Meetings!- Learn how to have the most impact meeting of all time; yet is the most canceled and rescheduled throughout all organizations!

Speaker Bio:

André Young is a Professional Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, and Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC. He worked as a Mental Health Therapist for 19 years, played sports at every level from high school to professional, has been an employee, a business owner, and self-employed, and has written 4 books focused on enhancing Leadership & Work/Life Harmony. As Founder of You Evolving Now it's his mission to enhance Leadership and Work/Life Harmony for organizations, leaders, employees, and teams with his high-energy, interactive, culture-impacting leadership training programs and speaking engagements; allowing a professional and personal evolution!