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HR Cruises

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

James Reid
"Taking a Deep Dive Into Workplace Investigations" (On Board)


Learning Objectives:

    1. Objectivity in asking questions and documentation
    2. Gathering facts versus conclusions
    3. The difference between breaking the company policy and the law
    4. When to get an independent investigator involved
    5. An overview of the arbitration or other potential legal process


Session Description:

Receiving a claim of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation can feel scary! But with the right strategies and techniques, YOU can facilitate a successful investigation. James Reid has facilitated over 100 workplace investigations in his 18 year career as an Employment Attorney! In this session, he is opening his suitcase and ready to share how you, too, can become an objective and thorough investigator. He will dive into strategies for questioning, formulating conclusions, and when to get an independent investigator involved. He will also teach you how to assert the attorney/client privilege so what happens behind the scenes stays confidential. And, in case you are still feeling nervous, he will also overview the arbitration and legal processes around such claims. Put on your fins, we are jumping in!

Speaker Bio:

James Reid is a labor and employment attorney who counsels business owners, entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, in-house counsel, and human resources directors to make strategic business decisions, from hiring to firing, while complying with the ever changing and overlapping laws, including the ADEA, FLSA, FMLA, NLRA, and Title VII. He brings a business focused and proactive approach to legal matters to help employers make strategic business decisions to minimize the potential for litigation and business disruption.

His deep understanding of his clients' businesses enables him to deliver clear and concise counsel to meet each client's specific needs. If litigation is involved, he enforces restrictive covenants and defends employers against charges filed with the EEOC, state, and federal agencies.

James regularly conducts audits and investigations into employers' wage and hour practices and claims of discrimination and harassment. He provides training and prepares employment documents, including employee handbooks, employment agreements, and separation agreements, to cover all aspects during the life cycle of an employee.

James is also a sought after keynote and national speaker at conferences and events, including the American Payroll Association, SHRM, Tedx, and HR Day.