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HR Cruises

Sail on the high seas with your HR Colleagues

Sheila Eason
"A New Kind of Diversity: Making the Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage" (Webinar)


Learning Objectives:

    1. To understand the different generations in your organization;
    2. To give you a big picture summary of the differing perspectives on paradigms, attitudes about authority and more; and,
    3. To bridge the gap toward better productivity and a healthier culture; and, To give you a practical strategy to create this in your organization.


Session Description:

Today, our world is full of messages giving attention to diversity. For years, we’ve heard about diversity: ethnicity, race, gender, religion, disability, cultural and sexual orientation diversity to name a few. However, there is an “elephant in the room” that we’re hesitant to talk about and it’s called a “new kind of diversity.” It’s all about the different generations that serve on a team today.

In today’s workplace, most companies have 3-4 generations working together. Because different generations can live in “niched” worlds, we can create echo chambers where we spend most of our time with those who think, act and vote like we do. Teammates can be unnecessarily divided. Instead of completing each other, they can find themselves competing with each other. Instead of collaboration there is conflict. A growing number of Fortune 500 companies report age discrimination lawsuits, from both young and old, including IBM, Google, WeWork, Marriott, Citibank and others. In one nationwide survey, more than half of respondents reported they are unlikely to get along with a work colleague from a different generation.
In this session we will answer the following pressing questions: how can HR, how can your managers, how can your teams cross this chasm effectively leading to unified, respectful environments in your workplace?

Speaker Bio:

Sheila Eason is founder and CEO of Elevate People Solutions, LLC, and is a Maxwell Leadership Certified Leadership Development Coach, Speaker, and Trainer. With more than 25 years of experience helping organizations leverage its human capital to its maximum potential, she has been instrumental in developing and training thousands of leaders seeking to improve their leadership skills. With expertise in in leadership development, keynote speaking, leadership coaching, executive coaching, group coaching, professional development and DISC consulting and training, Sheila brings specific solutions as well as her experience to real life scenarios.

Trained and mentored by John Maxwell and mentors of the world class John Maxwell Team faculty, Sheila is qualified to offer solutions that will help elevate and accelerate individual and organizational performance, including executive, business and personal coaching, leadership and management training, assessments, diversity training, and team development.

She is a graduate of Bowling Green State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and a Master of Organizational Development. Sheila holds SHRM-SCP certification through the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and maintains SPHR certification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). She is Past President of the Northwest Ohio Human Resource Association and past Diversity Chair. She also volunteers for several organizations in her local community.